COVID-19 MEMBER RESOURCE CENTER We are here to help Crossover members with any COVID-19 questions or health concerns.


Who should get tested for COVID-19?

People who should get tested include anyone who has:

  • Symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Had close contact (within six feet for at least 15 minutes) with someone who has been diagnosed with or is suspected to have COVID-19.
  • Been recommended for testing by a healthcare provider (due to exposure or recent or planned travel).

Not everyone needs to be tested for COVID-19. If you are tested, you should self-quarantine and isolate at home when waiting for your test results.

What are the types of COVID-19 tests?

There are two different types of COVID-19 tests—diagnostic tests and antibody tests.

  • Diagnostic tests use a nasal or throat/mouth swab to diagnose active COVID-19 infection. There are two types of diagnostic tests:
    • A PCR, or molecular test, detects the presence of the virus’s genetic material with testing run at a local laboratory. This type of test is highly accurate when diagnosing a current infection, but does not reflect whether you have had COVID-19 in the past.
    • Antigen tests detect the presence of specific proteins on the surface of the virus. This type of test is typically used in rapid diagnostic testing with results available in minutes. When this test shows positive results, it is highly accurate but negative results may need to be confirmed with a molecular or PCR test.
  • Antibody tests use blood to detect antibodies which are created to fight infection. Antibody tests show if you have had COVID-19 in the past but do not show if you are currently infected. Positive antibody tests do not necessarily mean that you are immune to re-infection.

What about at-home tests?

Currently, at-home testing is available through various outside companies, however they may require some payment up front, and your physician may not directly receive a copy of your result. While there are PCR tests that can be administered at home and mailed in for processing, the majority of at-home testing is rapid antigen testing. When you should test can depend on many variables (symptoms vs. no symptoms, exposure timing, etc.), so it is best to speak to your physician if you are considering taking a test. 

Please contact your Crossover care team for further information on at-home testing options and what kind of test may be right for you.

How reliable is testing for COVID-19?

The reliability of diagnostic test results depends on a number of factors including how the test was collected and the conditions under which the test was shipped to the laboratory. Additionally, results may be affected by when the test was taken. For example, if a person is tested on the day they were infected, there may not be enough viral particles in the nose or mouth to detect the recent infection. The chance of getting a false negative (a test result that says you are not infected with COVID-19 but actually are) decreases if you are tested a few days after a suspected exposure or a few days after you have symptoms.

All tests for COVID-19 are very specific, meaning that if a test does come back as positive, it is almost certain that the person is infected.

What’s the latest on antibody and immunity testing?

Labs are doing antibody or “immunity” testing.

We don’t currently have a recommendation for antibody testing, because:

  • Right now it isn’t clear how long COVID-19 antibodies last after infection.
  • It also isn’t clear if these antibodies mean you can’t be infected with COVID-19 again.

Whether you’ve tested for antibodies or not, you can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by physical distancing and wearing a mask.

If you have symptoms and a positive test result for COVID-19:

Isolate yourself at home until the risk of spreading COVID-19 to others is thought to be low. It is always best to reach out to your provider to determine when you can discontinue isolation. 

If you have mild symptoms, stay home from work until:

  • At least six days have passed since symptoms of COVID-19 first appeared (the first day your symptoms appear is day zero).
  • At least 24 hours have passed since you had a fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and other symptoms are improving (like cough, congestion, or shortness of breath).
  • Your doctor tells you it’s safe to return to work.

You should continue to wear a well-fitted mask around others in your home and in public places for five additional days. If your symptoms are more severe or you are immunocompromised, you may need to continue to isolate for a longer period of time. It is always best to ask your provider what’s best for your situation.

Guidance around COVID-19 can shift, but your provider has the most up-to-date information and can help you understand what you need to do. Remember, you don’t have to have an office visit with your provider, simply start a conversation or send a message to get your questions answered.
